5:44 PM Friday, January 06, 2006


收到一封来自Agatra总裁Andrew Hayward的电子邮件,希望我能写一写他们的新服务Agatra,一个密码在线安全存储服务。大致思路是,你把你登录不同网站的用户名、密码统一存放到Agatra,然后就可以在任何电脑上简单地登录这些网站。Agatra保证你的账号的安全,采用分组密文加密技术(block cypher encryption scheme),即使Agatra的员工也不能得到你的信息。目前,按Agatra自己的说法,它已经和包括AOL、American Express、iOffer等网站进行了合作,可以直接登录这些网站。不过我在这些合作站点上,并没发现Agatra的登录图标。

不管怎么说,既然人家盛情邀请,不妨先试试再说。先在Agatra注册——要管理密码,需要再多一个密码;-)——keso这个用户名已经被占用了,不爽一下。注册后,就可以为不同的站点登记用户名密码了。我想试试Donews Blog的,先输入网站名称:Donews Blog,然后根据提示需要点击蓝色的网站名称,可是无论是在Firefox中,还是在IE中,都没有蓝色的网站名称,这样就无法进行到下一步,输入用户名、密码。OK,尝试到此结束。

其实Agatra的这个思路跟Microsoft Passport自由联盟的SSO(Single Sign-On)很接近,不过问题是,Agatra既没有微软的影响力,也没有自由联盟的开放性,用户凭什么要信任一家小公司?Agatra希望它的服务能被越来越多的用户社区接受,所以它希望借助blogger的力量来推广。

这是让我感兴趣的另一个问题,Andrew Hayward是如何找到我的。他说他读我的blog,并认为Agatra非常适合我的blog内容,oh really。无论如何,我觉得Andrew Hayward是个很有趣的人。他懂中文吗?至少他的网站现在还没有中文版本。

附Andrew Hayward的邮件。

Hello Keso,

There's a new service online called Agatra which saves your passwords and automatically logs you into most of the top sites on the web.  I was reading your blog, and I think Agatra would be a good fit with your content.  Here's why your readers should know about Agatra, and why you should write about it:

Everyone has passwords, and most are sick of remembering them.  You should also write about Agatra because it solves a major problem for most of your readers in a cool way.  Write about Agatra because it's new, novel, and noone else is doing anything like it.  Write about us because we take security seriously by encrypting every page any user is ever on with a block cypher encryption scheme that hasn't been broken, and which we don't disclose.  Signup for Agatra and try it out yourself at www.agatra.com.  We're storing thousands of passwords already, and we think the internet community needs and deserves this service.

If you write about us, we gain from the exposure, and it is my intent for you to benefit by having one of the first chances to blog about a new up and coming web service.  Feel free to call me (although the rates from China may be prohibitive ;) ) or email me with any questions or concerns.


Andrew Hayward
President, Agatra Inc.
Email: xxxxxxxxxx@agatra.com
Cell:  608.345.xxxx

Sent using R|mail.


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