4:25 PM Saturday, January 14, 2006


-只说  sayonly.com                 english | other        RSS,你拿什么吸引风投
sawsaw, you talked smarter than the web 2.0 bosses in China (they are probably suffering from attention economy therefore do the kid talks to the Chinese audience all the time). But if you look closely to their blogs summing up the public relationship document you’ve got from cbinews, with a bit of good sense, you’ll see there’s quite an interesting trend - web 2.0 is moving to mobile very fast with the help of major service providers like Linktone in China. I personally call it a strategy movement because it has really nothing to do with technique.



tangos还给了一个链接,mobile2.0,techcrunch的network,请到了Oliver Starr,这个CMO,注意这个CMO这个称呼,呵呵,有趣。

apple+moto+cingular的 所谓第一款podcast机,这个cingular,最近似乎又跟三星等厂商合作。国外netomat等cool的服务早就推出了。显然,web2.0怎么又少得了手机...hmmm...2.0。

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